Author: Sean Fielding

by Sean Fielding / on 27 December, 2023

Is Email Scrubber Right for You?… Let’s Audit Your Instance

We believe Email Scrubber will quickly become your new friend. It will work tirelessly to continuously reduce the burden (and extra costs) associated with redundant email message in your instance. But don’t take our word for it. Take Email Scrubber for a spin and
by Sean Fielding / on 4 November, 2023

Let’s Parse an Email Address into User Name and Domain

This post will walk you through the steps required to parse an email address into two parts: the user name and the domain. If you are unfamiliar with Email-to-Flow, take a minute to review Introducing Email-To-Flow, a low-code Email Service. This is a common request.
by Sean Fielding / on 26 July, 2023

Introducing the Sproket Logic Scrolling Display Box (Orange Stripe Edition)

When you need to make informed business decisions based on your Salesforce data, there is no substitute for reports and dashboards. But let’s face it. Reports and dashboards can be… well… boring. Ready to bring your Salesforce data to life? Introducing the Sproket Logic
by Sean Fielding / on 3 February, 2023

Email-to-Flow, Let’s Leverage a Rules Engine (or Let’s Say No to “FlowArt”)

Email-to-Flow is available on the Salesforce Appexchange. I love Email-to-Flow! I can finally control our complete Email-to-Case process… from Flow! My flows, however, are getting more complicated and more difficult to maintain. You have any suggestions? I recently received the above cry for help
by Sean Fielding / on 31 December, 2022

Let’s Detect Language

This post will walk you through the steps to detect language leveraging Email-to-Flow. If you are unfamiliar with Email-to-Flow, take a minute to review Introducing Email-To-Flow, a low-code Email Service. So, you want to detect the primary language within your email So, you want to
by Sean Fielding / on 17 September, 2022

Let’s Visualize Email Scrubber

Interested in Email Scrubber? Give us a ping to learn more. Schedule a free analysis and impact estimate of your implementation. Or check us out on the App Exchange. As you are aware from Email Scrubber? Tell me more about saving data storage, Email Scrubber
by Sean Fielding / on 14 September, 2022

Salesforce Platform API Versions 21.0 through 30.0 Retirement (May 10, 2023)

2024 Update: Final (maybe?) Retirement has been set for Summer ’25. If you are interested in this article, I assume you received a “Salesforce Platform API Versions 21.0 through 30.0 Retirement” notification from Salesforce. Or maybe you noticed the release update and thought “uh
by Sean Fielding / on 9 September, 2022

Let’s Build an Email-to-Opportunity

This post will walk you through the steps of building an Email-to-Opportunity process leveraging Email-to-Flow. If you are unfamiliar with Email-to-Flow, take a minute to review Introducing Email-To-Flow, a low-code Email Service. The Purchase Order Use Case More and more, we are seeing customers require
by Sean Fielding / on 16 August, 2022

Eliminate Email-to-Case Duplicates at the Source

It’s a common Email-to-Case complaint. If a customer creates an email with multiple service email addresses (in other words, multiple email addresses that forward to email-to-case), multiple cases are created. Traditional resolutions fall into two categories. One email service address per org. I.e. Never