Category: Email-to-Flow

by Sean Fielding / on 10 July, 2024

Let’s Build an Email-to-Opportunity Process

This post will walk you through the steps required to create an Email to Opportunity process. If you are unfamiliar with Email-to-Flow, take a minute to review Introducing Email-To-Flow, a low-code Email Service. How do I get started? The good news? We pre-built an Email-to-Opportunity
by Sean Fielding / on 7 February, 2024

Are you ready for New Email Threading Behavior?

I know… I know. I started asking that same question back in 2022. At the time, the new threading behavior was a promising improvement over Ref Ids, but there were still too many unresolved edge cases. As a result of these concerns, Salesforce pushed
by Sean Fielding / on 2 February, 2024

Have social issues? Let’s remove annoying social media logos with File Wipe.

If you are leveraging Email-to-Case, chances are you are dealing with social media logos associated with email signatures. Why worry about a few nuisance files? Good Question. – Unnecessary Clutter Each social media logo is saved as file (typically named something like image0001, image0002,
by Sean Fielding / on 29 January, 2024

Let’s Create a Connected App – Salesforce to Itself (with File Wipe)

What is a Connected App? A connected app is a framework that enables external applications to integration with your Salesforce instance. A typical connected app implementation will allow integrate between external applications and the Salesforce APIs. In our use case, we are going to
by Sean Fielding / on 21 January, 2024

Let’s Talk About Email-to-Case Redirection

Case Deflection We all know about Case Deflection. As a refresher, Case Deflection is a set tools and processes that are put in place to enable clients to resolve their own issues. This self-service approach can include assisted support (even AI assisted support more
by Sean Fielding / on 4 November, 2023

Let’s Parse an Email Address into User Name and Domain

This post will walk you through the steps required to parse an email address into two parts: the user name and the domain. If you are unfamiliar with Email-to-Flow, take a minute to review Introducing Email-To-Flow, a low-code Email Service. This is a common request.
by Sean Fielding / on 3 February, 2023

Email-to-Flow, Let’s Leverage a Rules Engine (or Let’s Say No to “FlowArt”)

Email-to-Flow is available on the Salesforce Appexchange. I love Email-to-Flow! I can finally control our complete Email-to-Case process… from Flow! My flows, however, are getting more complicated and more difficult to maintain. You have any suggestions? I recently received the above cry for help
by Sean Fielding / on 31 December, 2022

Let’s Detect Language

This post will walk you through the steps to detect language leveraging Email-to-Flow. If you are unfamiliar with Email-to-Flow, take a minute to review Introducing Email-To-Flow, a low-code Email Service. So, you want to detect the primary language within your email So, you want to