by Sean Fielding / on 31 August, 2023
Let’s Have Some Fun with a Reclusive Teenager and Email-to-Flow Salesforce Exception Handling
Introducing the Sproket Logic Urgency Box. Introducing the Sproket Logic Urgency Box. What’s the Sproket Logic Urgency Box? The Urgency Box was originally conceived with one goal in mind… notify a reclusive teenager that it was time for dinner. The Goal: Provide dinner notifications
by Sean Fielding / on 23 May, 2022
Exceptions (Part 1) – When Things Go Bump in the Middle of the Night
What is an exception? An exception is an error that disrupts the normal flow of code execution or flow execution. For example, attempting to populate a string field with a value longer than its maximum length, will result in a STRING_TOO_LONG exception. In a
by Sean Fielding / on 20 May, 2022
Introducing the Sproket Logic H.I. Box (Black Stripe Edition)
Introducing the Sproket Logic H.I. Box (Black Stripe Edition). Nice! What exactly is the Sproket Logic H.I. Box (Black Stripe Edition)? In order to explain the Sproket Logic H.I. Box (Black Stripe Edition), I need to take a step back and explain the Health