Email-to-Flow, let’s ignore Auto Responses

Email-to-Flow is available on the Salesforce Appexchange.

If you haven’t taken a peek at Introducing Email-To-Flow, a low-code Email Service – Sproket Logic, please do.

In this installment, let’s take a look at automation email responses from Microsoft 365. And, more importantly, let’s see how Email-to-Flow can identify automation responses to prevent unnecessary case updates.

What is an Auto Response?

An automatic email response is exactly how it sounds. Email users can set up criteria to automatically response to emails. The most populate automatic auto response has to be “Out Of Office”.

Why do they matter?

In the regular world, an automatic response such as an “Out of Office” can extremely helpful. You send an email to an individual and immediately receive a response indicating they will return to the office is 2 weeks. Great. For case management, these types of emails can cause all sorts of problems.

Depending on your implementation, an email can automated a whole number of processes including resetting a case status, starting a SLA clock, sending notifications, or even launching integration. Understanding an email is an auto response versus an actual response can same time and resources.

Great. What does Email-to-Flow have to offer?

Email-to-Flow has a special apex action, Detect Auto Reply, to retrieve autoreply information from the email header. Simply call the apex action in the flow and process according to your specific business requirements.


HeaderThe header string from the email service


isAutoReplyTrue if the email header contains X-Autoreply
or X-Autorespond. False if neither are found.
isSuccessTrue is the apex action was successful.
False if an error was encountered
errorMessageIf isSuccess equals false, the error message